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Standard 2D Layers

The list of layers below includes our standard planimetrics layers, which will be automatically included in every project when you select “2D” or “2D + Topo” in the order form during project check-out.

Roads (000)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Any paved surface intended for use by street-legal vehicles. Includes parking areas and driveways.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the pavement as determined by surface material.

We interpolate through obstructions over a short distance (i.e. under Vegetation)

Split layer option

Asphalt, concrete, paver (stone, brick, wood)


Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.5′ minimum, 0.25′ recommended

Distortion – 3 minimum, 4 recommended

Sidewalks (001)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Any paved path intended for pedestrians.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the pavement as determined by surface material.

We interpolate through obstructions over a short distance (i.e. under Vegetation)

Split layer option

Asphalt, concrete, paver (stone, brick, wood)


Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.5′ minimum, 0.25′ recommended

Distortion – 3 minimum, 4 recommended

Curbs (002)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Any edging to a paved surface.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the front and back of curb as determined by surface material. Includes parking curbs.

We interpolate through obstructions over a short distance (i.e. under Vegetation)

Split layer option

Curb, Berm


Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.25′ minimum, 0.16′ recommended

Distortion – 4 minimum, 5 recommended

Buildings (003)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Outline of the roof of a building and other attached overhangs and/or any occupiable structure that obstructs view of the ground.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the structure overhang.

Split layer option



Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.5′ minimum, 0.25′ recommended

Distortion – 3 minimum, 4 recommended

Pavement Markings (004)

AirWorks Layer Name




What’s included/classified?

Any painted markings visible on Roads (Catalog Number 000)

How it’s drafted?

LINES: Single polyline labeled at the centerline of thin pavement markings

POLYS: Closed polylines labeled at the outside edge of thick pavement markings

SYMBOLS: Closed Polyline labeled at the outside edge of pavement marking symbols and lettering

We interpolate through obstructions over a short distance (i.e. under Vegetation)

Split layer option

Split into the layers noted above


Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.25′ minimum, 0.16′ recommended (symbols and text require under 0.1′)

Distortion – 3 minimum, 4 recommended

Manholes (005)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

A circular-covered personnel access entry to underground utility (not including utility gates or similar structures). Any spherical access feature over 1.33 feet / 0.4 meters in diameter is considered a manhole. Features under those dimensions will not be included in the output DXF. These typically include valves, gates, meters, handholes etc.

How it’s drafted?

Block placed at center scaled to rim extents of the manhole cover.

Split layer option



Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.25′ minimum, 0.16′ recommended

Distortion – 4 minimum, 5 recommended

Catch Basins (006)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Any grated cover over an underground utility space.

How it’s drafted?

Block placed at center scaled to rim extents of the catchbasin cover. We do not interpolate through obstructions.

Split layer option



Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.25′ minimum, 0.16′ recommended

Distortion – 4 minimum, 5 recommended

Water (007)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Any permanently located body of water.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the water. (Includes pools, rivers, lakes, canal, or exposed tank).

We interpolate through obstructions over a short distance (i.e. under Vegetation).

Split Layer Option



Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.25′ minimum, 0.16′ recommended

Distortion – 4 minimum, 5 recommended

Vegetation (008)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

All vegetation taller than 0.5 feet.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the vegetation canopy (edge of leaves or branches).

Split layer option

Single trees, tree lines, bushes, prepared beds, shrub lines, mowed grass, and landscaped area


Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.5′ minimum, 0.25′ recommended

Distortion – 3 minimum, 4 recommended

Concrete Pad (021)

AirWorks Layer Name


What’s included/classified?

Any concrete surface typically used for equipment and structures.

How it’s drafted?

Closed polyline labeled at the outside edge of the concrete as determined by surface material.

We interpolate through obstructions over a short distance (i.e. under Vegetation)

Split layer option



Input data format


Input data quality requirements

GSD – 0.16′ minimum, 0.08′ recommended

Distortion – 4 minimum, 5 recommended

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