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Layer Output Confidence Level

We at AirWorks strive to provide the most accurate output for your layers using our state of the art algorithms and our in-house team of CAD engineers. In order to ensure your team receives output .dxfs of the highest quality, we want to share our confidence level in our output for each layer given the input data’s Ground Sampling Distance. You should use this document as a guide post for the level of confidence we have in our output per layer at different ground sampling distances.

As a rule of thumb, the finer the resolution and the larger the layer for the feature you requested, the higher confidence we have in our output. Certain layers like manholes can only be detected with a high resolution ground sampling distance of ~5 cm. However, for layers like water or vegetation, AirWorks can provide high quality outputs even at GSDs up to 30 CM.

Regardless of the GSD, we will always strive to provide the highest quality output dxfs. If you have questions about your input data, please reach out to your Sales representative. We’d be happy to provide further clarity.

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